There are a number of ways that you can get involved in providing support to people who are affected by homelessness, either through volunteering, providing practical items or making a financial gift. The best way to offer support is to join forces with one of the many organisations and groups who deliver services directly to people who at are at risk of homelessness or without a home.
Please contact us and let us know if you’d like to become more involved and we will be able to put you in touch with the charities and community organisations that need your support. The types of volunteering roles and items that are needed can vary from month to month so we’ll do our best to point your support in a direction which means it will have the greatest impact.
Please send an email to including your name and contact details and we will get in touch with you.

In the meantime, there are some easy ways that you can contribute to our work and make a difference;
- If you’ve seen someone who may be sleeping on the streets of Leicester and in need of support you can use Streetlink to inform local services who will make contact to offer help.
- Pledge your support for Leicester’s Homelessness Charter – sign up to receive our updates so that you can learn more about work ongoing to tackle homelessness in Leicester.
- Whilst out and about in the city centre, donate £3 to Give Leicester by tapping your card on one of the many touch giving points. Money goes direct to charities providing safe places to live and support for people who are without a home.
If you would like to make a donation to support Leicester’s Homelessness Charter in its efforts to improve local systems for people experiencing homelessness through better partnerships and coordination please contact our Project Coordinator, Rebecca Pawley by email at or on 07894 231 800.
If you would like to make a donation to the Charter:
Bank Account Name | Together Leicester |
Sort code | 20-49-17 |
Account no | 10223824 |